Yoga Bloom Wellness

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Big Bear and Covid19

Are you over the Stay at Home Orders?  Ready to Kick off your next adventure? 

Not so quick. Although some restrictions have been lifted in the San Bernardino mountains, most businesses are still not open.  The lake is open to boats, paddle boards, kayaks and fishing.  Masks are optional and restaurants are suppose to be opening this weekend with social distancing and other restrictions.   

As a small business owner of 28 years, a full time Big Bear resident for 14 years and part time for 22 years, I have a heart for small businesses and this community.  Thus, have followed the City Council meetings and updates regarding COVID19.  The last meeting Mayor Rick Herrick stated that he would follow Governor Newsoms statewide orders.  For a recap of the meeting, click on the link below.  What I interpreted after listening to the May 12th meeting is that our City Council was disappointed in Newsoms orders but would follow them in order to be eligible for FEMA funds.  

Big Bear is a resort community and has over 800 vacation homes independently managed and that does not even account for the host of rental agencies that represent owners, lodges and hotels.  The Transient Occupancy Tax is a major funding source along with the sales tax from the restaurants and shops. My question is, "Does it fiscally make sense to wait for FEMA funds in lieu of collecting the above taxes?  How much and when is FEMA expected?"  I don't know the answer but anticipate that these questions are swirling around our officials heads and for sure the small business owners, restaurant workers, hotel workers, etc. 

Business owners held a peaceful demonstration Wednesday morning expressing their concerns for the length of time for reopening.  To read the full article go to

As for Yoga Bloom Wellness, we encourage people to stay safe and do what is right for themselves and their families.  For some that may be staying home.  For others, it may mean social distancing while getting back to their lives.  I firmly believe that as human beings, we need sunlight, nature, and social connections to keep us physically and mentally healthy.  With that said, we will resume our Yoga, Hiking, and Healing Waters retreats in Big Bear as soon as it is possible.  So many of us have been traumatized by the effects of this virus and healing will be in order to come out the other side of this as a better version of ourselves.  

My hope for each and everyone of you is that you are practicing self care and compassion for yourself and others and you have the opportunity to get out in nature daily to reduce stress and anxiety.  

With much love and gratitude, Suzanne

This article will be posted on our blog and as updates come in, they will be posted there, as well.  Be sure to sign up for our newsletter.


Anxiety?  Stress?  Depression?  

Yoga Bloom offers individual mindfulness bootcamps where you will be guided through the principals of MBSR (Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction), practice breathing and meditation techniques, while practicing yoga.  
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